Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum Radio

E143: Bose Ravenel - Medical Ethics In The COVID Era (Part 1 of 3)

Dr. Dan Eichenbaum and Bose Ravenel

Dr. Dan talks with  Dr. Bose Ravenel about the COVID-19 pandemic.  Dr. Ravenel received his medical degree from Duke University School of Medicine and completed a pediatric residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital.  Dr. Ravenel was a Major in the US Army.  He spent 11 years in academia, concluding as a Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics at UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics and 33 years of private pediatric practice.

Since his retirement, Dr. Ravenel has studied all aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and spent 3,000 hours analyzing the published literature and networking with several of the leading experts in Vaccine Informed Consent and Medical Freedom across the country.

E143: Medical Ethics In The COVID Era (Part 2 of 3)
E143: Medical Ethics In The COVID Era (Part 3 of 3)

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